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Breathless - Double Barrel Screenshot
Information 7 reviews 1 manual Cheatcode 3 weblinks
100 screenshots 2 boxscans 1 diskscan 4 miscshots Conversion Gamemap
Year of the first release1995LicenseCommercial
Number of disks (or CD)3PublisherPower Computing - Worldwide
Number max of players1Budget publisher
Simultaneous max players1DeveloperFields Of Vision
ArtistsCoder : Alberto Longo
Graphician : Gianluca Abbate
Graphician : Lino Grandi
Musician : Pierpaolo Di Maio
Musician : Tiziano Cappiello
Misc : Alberto Longo
Misc : Pierpaolo Di Maio
Language in manual
Amiga original gameyes
Have cheatcodeyes
Have SPS releaseyes
WHD installyesWHD information
Updated  2009-05-17 21:22:26
HD installyesHD notesInstaller on disk 2
SubcategoryShooter - First Person Shooter (FPS)
Dimension3D (Texturemap)
QuickmatchDoom / Wolfenstein 3D
ScrolltypeInto Screen
ViewpointFirst Person
Conversion hardware
Conversion notes
Classic compilation
Page views: 7512 - Last update: 5th September 2006
Rarity: One version is common, at least one other version is rare One version is common, at least one other version is rareOne version is common, at least one other version is rare
Notes:   [1] Game designed by Pierpaolo Di Maio.

[2] The game uses a 3D texture mapped graphics engine (completely coded in assembly language) and displays 256 colours in AGA.

[3] More info. about game development is provided here in Italian by main coder, Alberto Longo. A rough English translation is provided here [Source: Alberto Longo].

[4] Reviewed in Amiga Format (Issue 73, Jan 96, pp47-50) - p47, p48, p49, p50.
An Italian review also appeared in The Games Machine (July 96, pp125-27) - p125, p126, p127 [courtesy of Alberto Longo].

[5] An early pre-release demo of the game is available on Aminet (dir: game/demo/FOV_3Ddemo.lha).

[6] Aminet offers a number of goodies for BREATHLESS enthusiasts including:

** BREATHLESS V1.1 demo which includes a new level designed by main coder, Alberto Longo, that doesn't appear in the game (dir: game/demo/BreathlessSD.lha).

** Trainers/Level Selectors - BCheat, Breathless Levelcheater V1.1, Breathless v1.1 Trainer, MegaBreathless V1.01.

** Game maps and hints/tips.

[7] Three update patches for the game were released by developers Fields of Vision:

** BREATHLESS V1.1 and BREATHLESS V1.11 offer a number of bugfixes and gameplay enhancements. Most notably, they improve the speed and fluency of the 3D graphics engine (especially up/down movements for looking/shooting), add inertia to the player's movements, and generally make the game more configurable.

** BREATHLESS 3D ENGINE V1.1 68060 improves the sluggish speed of the graphics engine on 060 machines (dir: game/patch/Breathless060.lha). The sluggishness of the original is due to the 68060 being unable to directly execute 64bit divisions and multiplications, which are instructions that the 3D engine uses a lot.

Last known release: V1.11 (15-Feb-96).

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