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Hilt II
Hilt II - Double Barrel Screenshot
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1. Don't choose Auto Pistol as your main weapon - its damage factor is very low.
2. If you want to have a weapon that stuns the enemy select the Ion Inducer. It's much better than a Stun Bomb because it stuns the enemy and also causes some damage.
3. If you want to play a campaign equip your team with ammo charges. In single missions ammo charges are not necessary.
4. Sometimes between missions of a campaign the equip screen appears. You can choose new weapons here but you can also reload your current weapons. For example: your Disruptor has only few bullets left. Discard your Disruptor and select new Disruptor from the list. Now you have a Disruptor with 20 bullets.

1. The easiest missions are Skeleton and Disarm (recommended for beginners).
2. In Catacomb mission you'll need a lot of weapons which can destroy walls.
3. In Spacelab mission check the room below start position - you'll find keycards there.
4. In Moonbase mission objects you have to destroy look like dark grey radar dishes. Their number and location are random. This mission is quite hard because it ends when any civilian dies. Civilians are easy to recognise so you probably won't shoot them by mistake but enemies are not so careful and sometimes they can kill civilian standing on the line of fire.

1. Terrorist
Mission 1. Find any stairs and move your team there (don't search for secret entrance because there isn't any).
Mission 2. Central part of the map containing computer rooms is surrounded by indestructible walls. The only entrance is the door from the north side. It can be blasted with strong weapon or opened with keycard which can be found in the south-western part of the map.
Mission 3. The only way to mission objective leads by the door south of the starting point.
Mission 4. There are only few rooms but they contain useful items. Watch out for many traps in the room with cloaking device.
2. Holowar
This campaign is very hard because it consists of 8 missions you can play as a single ones but this time they are played in a row. Those missions are Catacomb, Spacelab, Moonbase, Starwreck, Domeraid, Deepsea, Retrieve and Dreadnought.
Campaign begins at Holodeck. Equip your team here with many weapons which can destroy walls (for example Disruptor, Nova Bomb, grenades). They are necessary in the next mission.
3. Bughunt
Mission 1. You start without any weapons but in the room below you can find Auto Pistol with few bullets and in the room above there is an Ion Inducer. Use Ion Inducer to stun the group of Aliens standing west from your starting position and then kill them with your fists. Go west and then south - you'll find a room with better weapons and medikit. Take them and go north and then west - you should find a room with armours. Wear armour and start exploring a map. Visit every room and collect all keys, cards and other useful items. When everything is collected go to the exit in the centre of a map. There are two civilians in this mission and they cannot be killed, so be careful (civilians are very similar to aliens).
Mission 2. You have to find and collect 3 Remex charges. The coordinates are as follows: X93, Y32 (eastern part of the map), X50, Y45 (centre of the map) and X17, Y61 (western part of the map). You can find many weapons and other useful items in this mission, for example Enerfood (restores energy), Napalm Gun and Medikit in northern part of the map, Shield Unit, Rocket Tube and Power Rifle in the north-eastern part of the map, Hand Grenade, Power Rifle and Laser Rifle in the north-western part of the map.
Mission 3. Probably the easiest mission. Find 5 rooms with fuel storage domes and destroy them with Remex charges. Remex charge should be placed in the centre of the room and then shot from distance. Two Remex charges are already placed, so if you have the Detonator use it and 2 rooms will blow up. You won't find any weapons in this mission but there are many other items like armours, ammo charges and Enerfood.
4. Flameout
There are only two missions. First one is hard - many enemies and traps, random number and location of targets. Equip your team with heavy armour and many explosives. Second mission is very easy. Targets look like circles with "!" sign and can be destroyed with any weapon.

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