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Aladdin - Sprite screenshot Aladdin  
Aladdin - Double Barrel Screenshot
Information 24 reviews 1 manual Cheatcode 3 weblinks
16 screenshots 2 boxscans 1 diskscan 1 miscshot 5 conversions 11 gamemaps

Pause the game (wait till the music is inaudible) and enter the following sequence with the joystick:



You should hear a {YA} if it worked. Use the following keys during play:


‘F10’______________Completes level and goes to bonus game.

‘1’-‘9’___Skip to the corresponding level (No bonus game).

‘Z’______________Move Aladdin anywhere using the joystick.

‘+‘__Speeds up movement when used in conjunction with ‘Z’.

‘-‘_Slows down movement when used in conjunction with ‘Z’.

‘0’__________________________________Another pause mode???

On the bonus game, pause the game and use the ‘TAB’ key to cycle through the bonuses until you get to the one you want (the free guy). Now press the fire button and continue to hit ‘TAB’ until your lives go up by one. You can keep doing this until you get nine lives or run out of chances.

Or you could enter this other sequence:



The game should now unpause. The cheats do exactly the same thing and only one will need to be activated. Use the keys listed above.

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