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UFO: Enemy Unknown
UFO: Enemy Unknown - Double Barrel Screenshot
Information 7 reviews 2 manuals Cheatcode 2 weblinks
64 screenshots 8 boxscans 1 diskscan 1 miscshot 1 conversion Gamemap

1. Only a little one here. If you can’t wait for the goodies to

arrive, save your game and when you return to geoscape they will arrive instantly.


2. Save your game and reset the machine. Load your saved game and go to the base information screen. Click to the right of the 3

base icons and you will find 4 more invisible icons. Ignore the one with symbols as a name. Select one of the other bases and click on OK. When the base screen comes select transfer and

your current base. Select the goodies you want and voila! In

six hours they will be yours.

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