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Zarathrusta - Double Barrel Screenshot
Information 14 reviews Manual Cheatcode 3 weblinks
16 screenshots 2 boxscans 2 diskscans 2 miscshots Conversion 53 gamemaps
53 Game maps
Download one zip file with the 53 game maps : 

Sector 001

Sector 002

Sector 003

Sector 004

Sector 005

Sector 006

Sector 007

Sector 008

Sector 009

Sector 010

Sector 011

Sector 012

Sector 013

Sector 014

Sector 015

Sector 016

Sector 017

Sector 018

Sector 019

Sector 020

Sector 021

Sector 022

Sector 023

Sector 024

Sector 025

Sector 026

Sector 027

Sector 028

Sector 029

Sector 030

Sector 031

Sector 032

Sector 033

Sector 034

Sector 035

Sector 036

Sector 037

Sector 038

Sector 039

Sector 040

Sector 041

Sector 042

Sector 043

Sector 044

Sector 045

Sector 046

Sector 047

Sector 048

Sector 049

Sector 050

Sector 051

Sector 052

Sector 053 (Final level)

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