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artist information
Artist name Wayne J. Smithson
Mother country United Kingdom
Notes Wayne Smithson started programming in 1985. His first published programs - Electric Author (a word processor), Super Kid, Frankie and Gordon Bennett - appeared on the Dragon 32. The Dragon was never a huge hit in the UK which meant Wayne received little or no recognition for his work. It was only when he got himself an Atari ST and produced the first ST horizontal scrolling shoot-'em-up, Skyrider, that people started to take notice.

Psygnosis in particular were impressed with Wayne's work and signed him up to produce several games including Baal and Blood Money. Psygnosis contracted Wayne and his team (W. J. S. Design) to produce 3 games in 1989/1990: It Can't Be Done/Anarchy, Firestorm and Witchcraft.

Almost all programming in the early days was done in-house on 42Mhz 386 PC's running the Snasm development system. Graphics and animations for the games were designed on an Amiga running Deluxe Paint 3, even though some games were only due to appear on the Atari ST.
Artist photo

Taken from ST Format Issue 2 (September 1989) p54
This artist page has been viewed : 1900 times

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Fields Of GloryECS OCS
1994W. J. S.MicroProse
Fields Of GloryAGA 1994W. J. S.MicroProse
Fields Of GloryCD32 1994W. J. S.MicroProse
 Total of game listing generated: 119,749,991 

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