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Artist is:Zoltán Tasnádi (Tasnádi Zoltán, Frank Einstein/23C)remove the N_ref_artist filter
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artist information
Artist name Zoltán Tasnádi (Tasnádi Zoltán, Frank Einstein/23C)
Mother country Hungary
Notes Zoltán Tasnádi started out as a cracker/demo coder in the late 1980s on the C= Plus/4 for the 23 Celsius Crew (23C). His original handle TPPC stood for The Pink Panther Cracker. In 1989/90 he left the C= Plus/4 scene for the Amiga and presumably changed his handle to Frank Einstein. In 1993, Tasnádi tried to break into commercial games development on the Amiga by coding the unreleased S.U.B. with Mercury Projects for Thalamus. Unfortunately, S.U.B. wasn't released despite being reviewed by many magazines because Thalamus went into receivership.
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