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artist information
Artist name Fabio Barzagli (Fby/Soft One^DKG^Spyral)
Birth date 1974-07-20
Mother country Italy
Notes Fabio Barzagli started as a scene musician on the Amiga in 1987 and completed his computer science degree at Alessandro Volta Institute, Italy in 1994. Following completion of his studies, Barzagli pursued professional interests as a computer games musician on the Amiga and established Nayma Software in 1997 in Florence, Italy. Nayma Software is a company involved in videogames, multimedia and computer art, as well as education and development.

More info. about Fabio Barzagli is available from the following sources:

- Official Biography

- Fby's Music website

- AMP 2005 Interview

- AmiWorld 1998 Interview (Italian) (see HERE for English translation)
Artist photo
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